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Writing Practice

My last 3 posts have been some writing practice unrelated to the story I am working on.  I chose to write about running since I've been doing a lot of that lately.  I started with a first person account of going on a morning run, then I copied that and changed it to third person point of view.  Some things are different between the two just because they sounded better.  It was fun to write about something personal.

I came back a couple days later and read them both.  I didn't really like either one.  The first person story seemed like it had "I" in every sentence, and the third person story had "he" in every sentence.  I decided to try to write something that doesn't use either one.  I managed to do it and I like the way it reads, but I'm not sure how it would work for a longer story.  I feels more like a poem.  Most of the "sentences" aren't actual sentences.  I think I'll give it a couple days again and come back and read it and see what I think.


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